President Laura Reese
After eight years in the banking industry, Laura began a career as a stay-at-home mom when she and her husband had their first child and moved to Oregon in 2013. Today, she is a mom to a 5th grader at RCI and 2nd grader at Netherwood Knoll. When she’s not busy caring for the boys, she runs a small consignment business out of her home and volunteers in several capacities in the community. Laura is excited to serve as PTO president after three years as treasurer.

Vice President Liane Rhodes
Entering her fourth year in the Oregon PTO, Liane is excited to begin her new term as Vice President and 6th grade representative. Liane and her family have lived in Oregon for six years and have three kids in the OSD: a 6th grader at RCI and a 2nd grader and kindergartener at Prairie View. Liane is also employed by the Village of Oregon as the Recreation and Programming Coordinator, making her the real life Leslie Knope. In her spare time, you can find Liane reading, baking, cooking, or soaking in as much live music as possible.

Treasurer Mickie Krall
Mickie Krall grew up attending Oregon schools, moved away after graduation, and in 2020 moved back to the Oregon School District. She has two children, one in 2nd grade and one in kindergarten at Prairie View Elementary. Her husband is a teacher at Oregon High School. Mickie works full-time as a budget planner at the University of Wisconsin System and enjoys being involved in the OSD. She served as the Oregon PTO secretary last year and is excited to serve as treasurer for the upcoming school year!

Secretary Julie Klein
After working for many years at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and then the University Purchasing and Management Cooperative, Julie is now a stay-at-home mom to her two daughters. Her oldest is a third grader and her youngest is a kindergartener at Netherwood Knoll Elementary School. After serving as the vice president for a year and the president for two years, Julie will serve as the secretary of the Oregon PTO for the 2024-2025 academic year.